Consistency is
more important
than perfection

The hands-on productivity coach for your team

Performance, vitality, and burnout prevention

You observe your employees struggling with their daily job and you let them regularly vent their worries to you. It is part of your job, but frustrating nevertheless as you would like to support them better. You are wondering: are they really busy or do they feel busy? Some of your team members are heading towards a burnout, for others you suspect a bore-out.

Vitality and work-life balance are completely in focus for your organization, how to give substance to these subjects and implement them for performance and results? Productivity coaching combines both vitality and performance growth, because I coach your employees to take their work and personal life into their own hands.

My approach is pragmatic: I organise your employees’ e-mail and work desk, I create space in their calendar, I coach them to cut projects into actionable pieces. During on-the-job training I coach them to adjust day-to-day behaviour, especially to increase their circle of influence. Only behavioural change enables long term effectiveness and personal growth.

Do you want effective support for your team?

individual programmes

I coach by doing: I identify your employee’s biggest bottleneck and we immediately start organising. I train simple but effective processes that your employee can maintain in the long run. More importantly, they can pick up easily after they slacked during a particularly busy week. I coach them to increase their focus, every day a bit more.

team programmes

Even more effective are team productivity programmes. I train the team in the most important time management concepts and facilitate discussing their current experience at work. Individual coaching of each employee follows after this training and at the end of the programme all employees have organised their e-mail, calendar and to-do list. The shared training and individual coaching offer the best of both worlds and can turnaround the spirit and effectiveness of a team completely within weeks.

Anything less than a conscious commitment to the important is an unconscious commitment to the unimportant – Steven Covey, first things first

Why choose flyde
